
How to Log into Git CLI …

To seamlessly push changes without constant password prompts, follow these steps: 1. Generate a Personal Access Token on GitHub: Navigate to the “Developer settings” tab in your GitHub account settings. Select “Personal access tokens.” Then Select Token(classic) because as of …

How To Download Videos …

I made a web app that can download videos from Udvash/Unmesh courses! It’s called uvdownloader! Warning: You can download Udvash videos only for personal use. Distributing them would be considered piracy and I don’t support piracy. To download any Udvash video, go to uvd.houndsec.net The …

How To URL Mask Like A …

URL Masking URL masking is a clever technique used to make a web link appear different than it really is. Imagine it like putting on a disguise for a hyperlink. In this trick, a special character, the “@” symbol, is used to fool web browsers into thinking the link goes somewhere else. …